Tag: San Leandro

  • Tuesday evening running.

    This Tuesday saw many members running their trains around the SP Overland Route.  Of special interest was a visit by a family member of one of our previous members.  That person had not seen the display since the early \’90\’s, at which time there was very little if any of the current model railroad display….

  • Productive couple of weeks for the Southern Pacific Overland Route.

    Recently much of the work has been focused on the HO scale display inside the depot.  The major areas of work have been the roundhouse and turntable in the Roseville yard, and upstairs on the revamp of the the Sparks yard. The roundhouse and turntable project is going well with most of the track completed.  The most…

  • Pictures of the turntable upgrade.

    As mentioned in one of the previous posts one of our large projects this year is the upgrade of the turntable in our Roseville yard.  The work is goin well with only a few of the replacement tracks left to be installed. Here are some pics of the removal of the old turntable and the…

  • Productive Saturday for the HO display.

    Today saw a lot of work being done on the HO display, and also a couple of trains running.  Work is continuing on the turntable/roundhouse upgrade, with some of the track in the roundhouse being spiked into place.  Further scenery work was done in the area around the entrance to the Fairfield yard.  Also wiring…

  • Turntable update on the HO display.

    One of the large projects that was started recently was to replace the turntable in the Roseville area of the HO display.  We removed the old turntable as it had never worked very well and are in the process of installing a 130\’ version from Walthers.  The decision was made to remove all of the…

  • First day of the June Show

    Today was a success as the first day of the June show. We had a fair amount of interest in the items available in our yard sale. Due to popular demand we will also be running the yard sale on Sunday. We will have many trains running, come down and see us.

  • Work in the San Leandro area of the HO display and work on the bridges for the G&O.

    Work has been continuing at a feverish pace in the area of the HO display representing San Leandro.  The building representing the Del Monte fruit packing plant have been installed with only detailing and lighting left to complete.  A backdrop has been installed to tie the entire scene together, and painting is continuing on the…

  • Del Monte Foods and Police Cars

    Today saw the installation of the of the Del Monte Foods in the San Leandro area of the display.   The building is mostly complete with only the dock and the final details to be completed. On the other end of the layout in Antelope the \”gumball\” type red beacons were installed in two of the…

  • Scenery and Signal Discussion

    This Saturday saw more progress on the ground-cover between Oleum and the Oakland yard on the HO scale display.  Currently underway in this area is a small cemetery. A discussion between a couple of members started to figure out what type of signalling will be used on the HO scale display. Several members were running…

  • Touching up Scenery, Working on Locomotives and Running Trains

    This Tuesday was fairly busy at the Depot.  The scenery committee was working on touching up some of the scenery, painting over scratches in the plaster in preparation for more ground-cover. A couple of members spent the evening working on their locomotives, one with an electrical problem (ugh, the problems with converting to DCC), and…