Engineer Photo Opp Success!

We had a great two days this past weekend with our Summer 2014 Open House & Train Show!  The HO display inside was running smoothly with some members running multiple trains at once, while the G&O out back sparkled in the sunshine.  Lots of adults and kids had a great time exploring both layouts.  Even regular visitors were excited for all the new additions and upgrades we\’ve made just since our last show in March.

Out on the porch, Society member and Sergeant-At-Arms Edson Lee was busy selling tons of yummy cookies and other sweets donated by Society members at our Bake Sale, and on the other end of the porch, Society member Trisha Lyn Fawver donated her photography equipment and services to take wonderfully adorable pictures of the little train engineers excited to see our cardboard train and pose in the conductor hat!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by with a smile on their face and had a good time with the photographs!  We hope plenty of dads were excited to have a memento of the weekend.  Your donation made will help us to maintain our 115-year-old Southern Pacific Depot, the train layouts, and continue to make upgrades with new technology for years to come!

We have uploaded all of the photos taken to our Facebook page – feel free to tag yourselves and share for your family and friends in far away places!  Remember, if you didn\’t get a chance to come down and have your picture taken, we\’ll be offering this fun photo opportunity at our upcoming Fall Open House & Train Show, September 20th & 21st!  Mark your calendars!

Take a look at our little engineer visitors and enjoy.  Press the [ESC] key to exit the photo display.

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